Celebrate Frederick

Celebrate Frederick: Giving Back

Summer Concert Series Summer Concert Series

Giving Back

The Summer Concert Series committee supports the Frederick Community Action Agency Food Bank Program by hosting a canned food drive and donation collection at EVERY concert series performance.

While each performance is FREE to the public, the Summer Concert Series committee encourages each visitor to bring a canned food item in lieu of admission. Non-perishable items such as canned meats and vegetables, soups, peanut butter, cereal, rice and pastas are preferred. Cash donations are also accepted.

The Foodbank Program operated by the Frederick Community Action Agency (FCAA) provides a three- to five-day supply of food to families and individuals who are facing an economic crisis and cannot afford to buy their groceries. The FCAA Foodbank serves between 600 to 800 households each month ranging from very low-income families who use the foodbank on a regular basis to moderate-income families who are facing a financial crisis and need food assistance.

The Summer Concert Series committee thanks all visitors who take part in this worthwhile cause.